Thode+Scobel GmbH & Co. KG
Schlossstrasse 8E
D-22041 Hamburg

About Thosco®

Building a bright future on a successful past.

Looking back

The origins of Thosco® date back to 1896 when Albert Thode founded Albert Thode & Co. in Hamburg. On 2 January 1922, Emil Scobel became a partner. Since then, the company has used the name Thode + Scobel, Hamburg.

In the subsequent decades the name was shortened to Thosco®. The company has since developed into a highly successful international trading and service enterprise. Thosco® now enjoys an international reputation as a professional, competent and highly qualified trading company specialising in raw materials and technical equipment.


Thosco® is now represented in more than 60 countries around the world. Customers benefit from a high degree of trust, competence, commitment and expertise shown by our motivated staff.

The name Thosco® is a high-value brand that enjoys international renown and represents quality, reliability and outstanding customer service.

A visionary future

We are constantly building on our business success. All our activities centre on ensuring utmost customer satisfaction. Based on our in-house quality management systems according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, we aim to continuously improve processes in all our business divisions.

Take advantage of our many years of experience and join us on the road to success.

The Thosco® Philosophy

All actions have a purpose.

Our mission is our principle objective

We aim to establish lasting business relationships based on quality, reliability, honesty, trust and professional service of the highest standard. All our activities are geared towards the common benefit of all those involved.

In order to achieve this goal, the satisfaction of our business partners is our top priority. We endeavour to continuously improve all business divisions.

We listen to all your questions

Thosco® guarantees competent international service through highly qualified staff in offices around the world, offering you on-the-spot contacts in over 60 countries.

Quality assurance in all business divisions

Ensuring customer satisfaction is our top priority and customer satisfaction is the Thosco® yardstick for quality. For this reason we have set up a quality management system that meets the requirements of the quality standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

All quality-relevant work processes are documented and continually monitored. Through this we aim for continual improvement in processes across all business divisions as well as the consistent prevention of errors.

Customer-oriented expansion

The Thosco® philosophy is to continually expand our market. This enables us to ensure the best possible market prices for our customers. Over the years we have built up a global network of valuable business relationships and established important contacts thanks to the high level of specialist expertise and the personal dedication of our staff and representatives – contacts that are beneficial for all Thosco® customers. Our longstanding and trust-based cooperation with numerous business associates shows that we are on the right path.

Fast and efficient delivery in all areas

This is where the core competence of the Thosco® Logistics division lies. When it comes to warehousing, carriage and inspection, as well as all necessary documentation, the services offered by Thosco® are always one step ahead of the industry’s demanding requirements. Start benefiting from this too!

Thosco® Quality

Our quality standards build on our certified services. To safeguard the quality of our products and services, all relevant work processes are documented and continually monitored.

To safeguard our product and service quality, all relevant work processes are documented and are continually monitored

  • Clearly defined powers and responsibilities within our organisation guarantee the efficient flow of information and communication
  • We invest in the further training of our staff
  • Error-avoidance and error-handling are an important part of our quality management system

Absolute customer orientation

  • All our efforts are geared toward satisfying our customers’ needs
  • Our customers enjoy our respect and esteem
  • Our actions are geared toward customer satisfaction
  • All customer complaints are thoroughly investigated and remedied
  • We aim to establish lasting and trusting business relationships

Economic efficiency

  • We work cost-effectively to safeguard our economic existence
  • We continually review our workflows in terms of relevance and efficiency
  • We constantly aim to boost our sales to improve positive economies of scale

Our quality management system

We consider customer satisfaction, product quality and reliability to be central quality standards by which we measure our performance every day.

To ensure quality, Thosco® has a quality management system in place that meets the requirements of the quality standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

All quality-relevant work processes are documented and continually monitored. We aim to thoroughly investigate unanticipated complaints and remedy them as quickly as possible. Internal audits and external checks by Bureau Veritas are conducted at regular intervals to monitor compliance with our quality management system.

Each and every one of our staff is responsible for the quality of our services and works towards continual improvement in all functional areas. It is our aim to fully satisfy our customers’ stringent quality requirements.

Our DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate is available for download in PDF.

Other certifications

  • Drug Precursors & Narcotics

    THOSCO® is licensed to deal with narcotics and drug precursors.

  • Trade Permission

    THOSCO® has trade permission as per § 67 (1) AMG German Drug Law

Thosco® Career

Thosco® is continually expanding with new job opportunities becoming available.
Please visit this page regularly to view current job opportunities.

Please send your applications to:

Thode + Scobel GmbH & Co. KG
Frau Britta Kretzschmar
Schlossstrasse 8E
22041 Hamburg

For applicants.

Tel. +49 40 6 58 00 80

Fax +49 40 65 80 08 29

For commissioned sales representatives and channel partners:

In order to continually expand our sales network, we are seeking commissioned sales representatives and new channel partners worldwide.

Current job offers


Initiativbewerbungen können unter Angabe des gewünschten Einsatzgebietes an gesendet werden.

Speditionskaufmann/-frau (m/w/d)

Als renommiertes 100-jähriges Außenhandelsunternehmen für Rohstoffe und technische Ausrüstung ist THOSCO© Thode + Scobel GmbH & Co. KG weltweit vertreten. Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams kurzfristig für unsere Logistik-Abteilung eine(n)

Speditionskaufmann/-frau (m/w/d) in Vollzeit / Teilzeit

für die Abwicklung unseres See- und Luftversandes der Export-Dokumentensachbearbeitung.

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Organisation weltweit von See-, Luft- und LKW-Transporten
  • Erstellung kontraktgemäßer Dokumentation unter Berücksichtigung behördlicher Vorgaben der Export- und Importländer
  • Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Zoll- und Frachtpapieren
  • Intensive Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Kunden, Lieferanten, Lägern, Transport-Dienstleistern und Banken
  • Überwachung und Steuerung logistischer Abläufe
  • Eigenverantwortliches und selbstständiges Arbeiten

Ihr Profil:

  • Abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Speditionskaufmann/-frau
  • Berufserfahrung im See- und Luftversand und in der Export-Dokumentensachbearbeitung sind von Vorteil
  • Erweiterte Kenntnisse in der Zollabwicklung (DAKOSY) wünschenswert
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, Kenntnisse weiterer Fremdsprachen von Vorteil
  • Gute MS-Office-Kenntnisse (Word, Excel, Outlook)
  • Sie sind eine positive Persönlichkeit und zeichnen sich durch Einsatzbereitschaft, Eigenverantwortung, Flexibilität, eine selbstständige und präzise Arbeitsweise sowie Teamorientierung aus

Wir bieten:

  • eine interessante und vielfältige Tätigkeit in einem global agierenden Unternehmen
  • ein freundliches Betriebsklima mit flachen Hierarchien
  • eine unbefristete Festanstellung
  • eine attraktive leistungsgerechte Vergütung (13 Gehälter, Urlaubsgeld)
  • 30 Tage Urlaubsanspruch; Vollzeit 38,5 Stunden Wochenarbeitszeit
  • Möglichkeit der Fortbildung
  • Möglichkeit von Homeoffice Tagen
  • jährliche Firmen- und Teamevents
  • Option auf ein JobRad
  • eine optimale HVV-Verkehrsanbindung durch einen angenehmen modernen Arbeitsplatz direkt in der Wandsbeker City mit kompletter Kostenübernahme des HVV-Tickets (uvm.)

Sind Sie interessiert?

Dann senden Sie uns bitte Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Angabe Ihres frühesten Eintrittstermins an:

THOSCO© Thode + Scobel GmbH & Co. KG, Personal, Schloßstraße 8E, 22041 Hamburg


Ansprechpartner: Britta Kretzschmar

Tel. 040-658008-53

Thosco® Logistics
Our Logistic Service for you.


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